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Welcome to my T-Tess Domains and Dimensions page. Within this page you will find achievements and approaches within my career as an educator. Hope you enjoy!



1 / Dimension 1.1
Standards and Alignment

When creating a lesson plan, I make sure to go over the overall schedule of the unit. I reorganize the lessons in the unit and pace them so that I make sure to complete the unit within the timeframe given to me. Within each lesson plan I ensure that there are objectives and student expectations listed to give me direction. I have allotted an expected time slot in minutes for each part of my lesson plan. I usually try to include some type of technology in my lesson planning to engage students in the lesson. For the most part I use the promethean board as a tool of instruction and assessment.

2 /Dimension 1.2
Data and Assessments

Measuring student progress informally for me is noticing a change in students ability to understand material. For instance if they are picking up topics a lot quicker compared to the beginning of the school year. I like to verbalize to those students of how proud I am of their hard work and development within these past few months. In terms of measuring students formally, I typically use data to look at their progress. Since our exams have been online it is so easy to download a report, color code it and compare it to other test/quizzes we have taken throughout the year. If I had a little more time, I would like to put this data into a model dig a little deeper than just the numbers that I am seeing. Usually I use data to help me see if the way I am teaching a certain topic is working or not. For example, if the majority of the students missed the same question on an exam I like to review the notes we've take, the work the students have shown and think about how I have verbalized the lesson. Using these reflections allows me to reopen a lesson, but with a revised method to get through to the students in a way they need.

3 / Dimension 1.3
Knowledge of Students

In a math class it is very common to sit and listen to the lesson and jot down notes with individual practice to follow. I try to encourage physical activities in my lesson by creating a space for them to learn and play. I ensure that the activity accesses prior knowledge and have them work as a group to help with different learning abilities, and social engagement. If students seem to be struggling, there are measures in place in my planning that aide in redirecting students’ confusion.



4 / Dimension 1.4

In the classroom we have activities that are project based. This allows students to go deeper into a lesson without teacher instruction. These projects are self-paced and worked on in groups or pairs. Students are designated a role in the project. Usually, these projects are inquiry based and require exploration. Students are able to discover the strengths of their understanding and build upon their interests.

5 / Dimension 2.1
Achieving Expectations

 I support my students by making learning activities fun. For instance, on Thursday I made a game that allows them to be silly and laugh to break the ice with their classmates. I really want them to feel comfortable with each other and build a positive community in the classroom. Even the "cool kids" had a blast just being themselves with no remorse. In terms of academics, this game makes them do math in a more engaging manner. It's boring just sitting in a desk all day and students seem to generally dislike math, but for my class I really want them to open their third eye and discover that learning math is not a boring subject when they can learn it untraditionally. The pic below is them hopping on one leg 

6 / Dimension 2.2
Content Knowledge and Expertise

As a math major I pride myself in knowing most math concepts and ideas, however to ensure that I am not only knowledgeable, but can also teach the material to students I watch videos on youtube and read the classroom math book. One aspect of lesson planning I try my best to ensure that I complete is going to be the misconception section. In that part of lesson planning, I try my best to get most misconceptions by working out the problems myself and write notes for tailored instruction. I then jot down these notes into my lesson plan to help keep myself in check.

7 / Dimension 2.3

When I am trying to support persistence, I use motivating terms like "you got this!", "I really like what you did there" etc. I noticed that motivating them like that helps them to feel confident in continuing to finish their assignment/worksheet.

When I am tryin to support deeper learning, I ask meaningful questions to get them thinking about their learning. I really try my best to make real world connections to my lessons and explanations

In terms of effective effort, I try to keep a routine in the classroom so that my students have some type of consistency. Things i try to keep constant in the classroom is helping them understand the resources that are available to them such as their interactive notebooks, anchor charts, previous worksheets, and other students. 

8 / Dimension 2.4

In terms of differentiation, I like to use models within my lesson to help those students who need concrete objects to understand abstract ideas. Furthermore , I like to use cognates with my new comer class to help them understand that there are a lot of words in English that sound very similar to their native language that have the same meaning. Initially, I knew that differentiation occurred, but the idea of planning for them is something that never occurred to me. Having these strategies ready to go have helped me create a better flowing lesson that is inclusive for a diverse set of students

9 / Dimension 2.5
Monitor and Adjust

When it comes to formally collecting and analyzing student progress to create lesson plans we usually look over district test and compare them with all the periods. We look at what question kids got wrong the most and try to understand why that could be happening. We asses their work and typically we notice a pattern. Sometimes it could be that students misunderstood the question because the wording is off, or they forget how to use the multiplication algorithm correctly. The last exam that we looked over we noticed that when certain words are used it could increase or decrease the chances of a student getting questions right. 


When informally collecting student progress it is mostly looking at the homework to see whether students understood the material or not. So we know that on our flex day we are able to re-teach the topic but with more intention. 


Attached is a picture of words that were used on a test that describe the same thing, but we tallied every time one of these words were used and if the student had missed the problem

Learning Enviroment


10 / Dimension 3.1
Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures

In my classroom we have what are called Interactive notebooks (INB). In these composition books we also have a folder where students can store activities or worksheets that we have done within a unit and store them as notes. In the composition books themselves are where students put handwritten notes or paste examples of each lecture. Having this system set in place allows me and the students to have a designated space to keep track of what goes on in the classroom. It prevents the loss or misplace of paper. 

Also set in place would be that each group in the classroom has a group leader. These students have elected themselves to essentially manage the group and make sure that everyone is up to date on what is going on in the classroom. They also help with class management when it comes to helping out with passing out papers, taking and putting away INB, being the speaker when their group is called upon. They help the class stay efficient, and on task which helps the flow of class stay constant. It also helps me to prep for the next class in terms of resetting powerpoints and getting myself reorganized. 

11 / Dimension 3.2
Managing Student Behavior

To establish expectations I usually start with a mini presentation going over student expectations. I have them written and posted so that students can continuously have access to this information. As an enforcement I go around giving stamps to students who are meeting expectations which they can later trade in these stamps for prizes at the end of the week. 

12 / Dimension 3.3
Classroom Culture

I believe that students who sit in a groups allows a space for students to be collaborative with one another. I will admit that a lot of the times without directions students will be collaborative on sidebar conversation than what was assigned to them. But giving them clear instructions verbally and written, with a timer and random name generator, helps students guide them to be accountable for their conversations. These turn and talk systems create a space of respect of other peoples thoughts an ideas. What I try to do to continue promoting respectful discourse is to walk around and facilitate group discussions to help keep the conversations flowing. 

Professional Practice

Professional Practice and Responsibilities

13 / Dimension 4.1
Professional Demeanor and Ethics

To uphold professional demeanor and ethics expectations, I constantly reference the Teacher Handbook administered to me. Looking at the expectations is a constant reminder of the expectations and responsibilities that come with my teaching role. This strategy has allowed me to remain in code of conduct as a teaching profession but as well with my district and campus.

14 / Dimension 4.2
Goal Setting

Reflection on one’s owns teaching is imperative for efficient and effective teaching. These methods definitely have a strong impact on student learning and retention.  I personally, really enjoy the process of being reflective of my classroom and pedagogical methods. To help me get a start, using observations and assessments by an outside member of the classroom gives me a clear focus on portions of my instruction that lack. These insights allow me to reflect and create long-term and short-term goals.

15 / Dimension 4.3
Professional Development

Professional development is the time in which I am allowed to grow professionally. It is a space allotted for me to express my concerns and confusions and hopefully resolve them. It is also a time to build community with other educators and help each other out. I have been an active participant in these meetings by asking questions, networking, and testing the limits of education. Having this fully immersive professional development has impacted my participation in PLC by using the tools developed in PD.

16 / Dimension 4.4
School Community Involvement

 The idea of calling a students parent is a situation that kind of terrified me. However, today I made my first phone call home for a disruptive student and it went extremely well. The parent was really understanding and more than willing to talk to the student about the situation when he makes it home. Despite it being a good phone call, it still hurts me to make one. I hope this student can get it together by next week. 

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